The functionality is dependent upon the type of the thermometer. The product portfolio includes bimetal thermometers, gas-actuated thermometers, expansion thermometers, machine glass thermometers and also thermo manometers

What is a machine glass thermometer?

Machine thermometers, or also called machine glass thermometers, are particularly insensitive to vibration and are mainly used in industrial applications, such as in machine building and vessel construction, in .central and large heating systems or in plant construction. Since there is no mechanical wear, glass thermometers feature particularly high accuracy and an extremely long service life.

Where are dial thermometers used?

Both bimetal thermometers and gas-actuated thermometers reliably measure temperature in the fields of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning technology, machine building and plant construction, vessel construction and equipment manufacturing, for food and beverages, oil and gas, the chemical and petrochemical industry, power generation and water/wastewater industry, and also in the food industry and sanitary applications.

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